On the 27th of June 2016, eight suicide bombers of ISIS entered the little village of Al-Qaa in Lebanon, at the syrian border. They kill five inhabitants and wound 30 of them.
Al-Qaa is a little christian village in the North of Lebanon. On June 2016, eight suicide bombers killed five inhabitants.
In the aftermath, christians decided to form a militia to protect the village, "The Al-Qaa's Hawks".
This story was commissioned by the magazine Pelerin, edited in France.

Al-Qaa, Lebanon, screenshot from Google Map

Wifes of the murdered inhabitants of Al-Qaa during the funerals.


The funerals took place some days after the attacks.

This christian village was afraid of an attack by ISIS since the start of the syrian conflict.

In the swimming pool of the village, daily life continues with the fear for the younger inhabitants

Boys are playing football at the village's stadium

Abou Ljouj is an inhabitant of Al-Qaa. He got a Jesus-Christ tattoo.

By night on a rooftop near the border. Inhabitants are looking for intrusions.

In the village, Rony is holding a perfumery. With his friends, he speaks a lot about the situation.

Rony Rizk, an inhabitant, takes part in the protection of the village. By night, he patrols Al-Qaa's road to prevent the entering of suicide-bombers.

The Rony's car got the sticker of "Al-Qaa's Hawks".

Near the place of a bombing

The suicide-bombers destroyed some parts of a restaurant in Al-Qaa.

A Hezbollah commander takes part in a hunting party with members of a Christian militia, "The Al-Qaa's Hawks"

Elian Nasrallah (on the right) is the priest of the village.

A mass was celebrated just some days after the attacks ont the

A monument was inaugurated after the suicide attacks.

Near the border, a refugee camp opened during the syrian conflict. Some inhabitants of Al-Qaa think that syrians and sunnis are the problem. But some of them are fighting against this idea.

In the refugee camp.

After the attacks, inhabitants didn't want to go back in the streets to take some coffees or sodas. But day by day, they find the courage to go out.

In a bar of Al-Qaa.

In the village.